Church of All Russian Saints
Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia (ROCOR)
Burlingame, California, U.S.A.
November 28, 2022:  Message from Margarita Herzen
Below we are announcing the formation of the school choir under the direction of Mrs. Irina Serafimovna Shachnev, our new Church Choir Director. (See her C.V. below)
This is a unique opportunity for our students to study free of charge with such a distinguished professional and to prepare for the choral presentation at the School Yolka. 
PLEASE NOTE:  The first choral practice CANNOT BE ON DECEMBER 4th because of the Feast Day of The Entry of the Most Holy Theotokos in the Temple.  
Therefore, it is RESCHEDULED to December 11th at 11:30 am,  the Sunday when the Sisterhood is hosting the Gingerbread House Faire.  
The choir practice will take place upstairs in the choir loft and, afterwards, those who wish can join the merriment of the Gingerbread House decorating. 
Reserve your “domik” by December 5 with Tanya Balshakoff at: or call 650-291-7289.
1.  Nativity Lent begins today.  We ask that the school families observe the fast by refraining from bringing meats or dairy in the children’s snack boxes.
2.  For our baptized members, the  All-School Confession and Communion is, also, RESCHEDULED from December 11th to Sunday, December 18, on the eve of The Feast Day of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker.
Please stay for the Lenten Luncheon after the Liturgy.   All are welcome and let us partake of the Holy Sacrament together.
3.  The Russian School Orthodox Yolka is to be on Sunday, January 8 immediately after the Liturgy.   There will be a traditional Holiday buffet and the students' performance will include the choral presentation,
short plays and skits, horovody and the arrival of Ded Moroz with his bag full of goodies.  
4.  Monday, January 9 Liturgy at 9 am for the Feast Day of St. Stefan.   Please join us to celebrate o. Stefan’s Name’s Day after the Liturgy.
Warm regards,
Margarita Herzen et al
Дорогие родители!   (После прочтения, пожалуйста дайте Маргарита знать сможели ли ваш ребенок сможет присутствовать: (
  С радостью сообщаю вам, что мы начинаем наши долгожданные занятия пением!
КОГДА:       11-го декабря, Воскресение в 11:30 сразу после Литургии.   Уроки будут длиться не больше часа.
ГДЕ:            В трапезной или на хорах в церкве
С КЕМ:       С нашим новым регентом церковного хора, Ириной Серафимовной Шачневой. 
ПОЧЕМУ:    Пение, священное и народное, всегда преподавалось в церковно-приходских школах, но не всегда была такая возможность как сейчас получить знания от столь высоко-профессионального и опытного преподавателя взрослых и детей как от Ирины Серафимовны Шачневой. Пение в хоре имеет множество преимуществ, но вот лишь несколько примеров:
1) Развивает слух и музыкальность детей
2) Способствует развитию языковой и музыкальной грамотности
3) Духовное пение вызывает чувство благоговения к Богу и Богом-данного голосу и красоте звучания его. 
4) Радость  общения со своими сверстниками-друзьями. 
5) Приносит радость и веселье всем и вся!
Ирина Шачнева, родилась в России, закончила Пензенскую музыкальную школу и  музыкальное училище. 
В Горьковской (Нижегородской ) консерватории получила высшее музыкальное образование со степенью хорового дирижера и преподавателя музыкальных дисциплин (фортепиано, вокала, дирижирования, муз. теории и т.д).
На протяжении 37-и лет Ирина  Серафимовна организовывала и работала с различными хоровыми коллективами как в России , так и в США. 
Она является организатором Детской хоровой школы «Рапсодия» в г. Дубна, Московской области, Русского хора в Бостоне, детского хора в приходской школе Богоявленской русской церкви Бостона, Фестивалей Русской Хоровой музыки в Бостоне и Сан Франциско. 
Она беспрерывно ведет концертную и педагогическую деятельность.  
В данный момент она является художественным руководителем хора  «Славянка», преподает фортепиано, вокал и теорию музыки в своей студии.
С Октября этого года приняла на себя регентское служение у нас с в церкви.
ЖДЕМ ВСЕХ НАШИХ ШКОЛЬНИКОВ так-как надо готовиться к празднику Рождества и школьной Елке!
Просим что-бы на спевки девочки и мальчики являлись в школьных формах:  белые блузочки и синие или черные юбочки для девочек; белые рубашки и темные брючки для мальчиков.  (Не джинзы)
Наставник и директор протоиерей Стефан Павленко вместе со составом преподователей
            По вопросам обращайтесь Маргарите Герцен 650-722-1445 или  Спасибо.
(М. Герцен)
Parish Russian School 2021 - 2022 Year

Church Russian School News Update - October 2021

Margarita Herzen


Dear fellow parishioners and parents of our Parish Russian School:  On behalf of the lay faculty and with Father Stefan’s blessing, we would like to apprise you of the current state of affairs and some particulars regarding our Church Russian School, its administration and curriculum. 


Adding to our brief account which was printed in the September/October issue of the Church Newsletter,  we are pleased to report that with God’s blessing, the education of our children began according to plan via Zoom on Tuesday, September 14.  This year, we do not have a kindergarten class due to the logistics of “gathering” three, four and five-year-olds into a virtual classroom.  From the established grade system which includes three elementary levels (beginning, middle and advance preparatory) and the eighth grades of gymnasium, our student body this academic year of 2021-22, falls into the following categories:  middle and advanced preparatory, 1st, 3rd, 4th, 5th and 7th grades.  The 2nd and 6th grades do not exist this year.  As in the recent previous years, some of the grades are based on all-Russian instruction, others are bi-lingual—meaning that the lectures and the readings are in English with English translations of the original Russian text, while the Russian language is taught utilizing age-appropriate foreign language programs.


In total, we have 30 students enrolled and the teachers report that instruction began quite satisfactorily. Student participation has been gratifyingly commendable.  As faculty of our cherished school, our goals are to maintain a strong Orthodox and Russian cultural pedagogy while sustaining the interest, curiosity and a sense of value in our students-- pandemic complexities, notwithstanding.


In light of the recent and mournful demise of our time-honored Director Aleksandr Nicholaevich Miroshnichenko, the administration of our school has taken a slightly different configuration which this report reviews for your own awareness and guidance:


The Directorship is now solely in the hands of our school’s Spiritual Mentor and Rector, Father Stefan.  Simultaneously, Father Stefan will teach Zakon Bozhii (the Law of God) in designated classes.


School Secretary: Mrs. Svetlana Olegovna Avdeeva will continue to assist him in the capacity of assistant and, primarily, the school secretary.  She is available to answer questions regarding enrollment, curriculum and general state of affairs via her telephone number 650-483-5088, text or e-mail her at: 


School Advisor: Mrs. Tatiana Aleksandrovna Nizhegorodova will assist Svetlana Olegovna with the curriculum, pedagogy and matters needing to be addressed in the Russian language via her telephone number 925-364-1812, text or e-mail at:


Public Relations:  Mrs. Margarita Grigorievna Herzen will assist in all matters pertaining to bi-lingual education and publicity.  She can be reached at her phone number 650-722-1445, text or e-mail at:


Treasurer:  Mr. Aleksandr Loboda is our school treasurer.   The tuition remains at $100 per month for the first child, the second is 50% less.  Please mail your tuition checks to the Attention of Aleksandr Loboda:  Church of All Russian Saints, 744 El Camino Real, Burlingame, CA 94010


Faculty and their specialties:  For your review, please do not hesitate to call or write your child’s teacher as needed.


1) Archpriest Father Stefan Pavlenko—Rector of our Church and instructor of Zakon Bozhii (Religion and God’s Law).   Telephone:  650-430-9805;


2) Svetlana Olegovna Avdeeva—School Secretary; Instructor of Literature for 6th and 7th grades and Middle Preparatory grade.  Telephone: 650-483-5088;


3) Aleksandra Vital’evna Sabelnik-Wooley—Instructor of curriculum pertaining to the 1st and 7th grade bilingual grades and the Advanced Preparatory grade.  Telephone: 415-298-9957;


4) Zoya Leonidovna Osipchuk—Instructor of curriculum pertaining to the 5th grade. Telephone: 650-753-9449;


5) Margarita Grigorievna Herzen—Public Relations; Instructor of curriculum pertaining to the 4th grade.  Telephone: 650-722-1445;


6) Tatiana Aleksandrovna Nizhegorodova—School Advisor; Instructor pertaining to the curriculum of the 3rd grade. Telephone: 925-364-1812;


7) Maria Sigismundovna Klestova—Instructor of Zakon Bozhii in the 5th grade.  Telephone: 650-483-6352;


8) Dimitry Tchertkoff—Instructor of Zakon Bozhii in the 7th grades, Russian and Bi-lingual.


As stated earlier, our Russian School has had a few challenges over the past 19 months, but it is strong and we are united by our pastor Father Stefan with prayer and guidance.  Students are managing to keep up with their studies.  Parishioners support us by being present at school functions, and there is great camaraderie among us teachers.

About Us

Church of All Russian Saints, Burlingame, California, U.S.A.
Православная Церковь Всех Святых в Земле Российской Просиявших в Burlingame, California
744 El Camino Real, Burlingame, CA 94010. Tel: (650) 430-9805

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