Church of All Russian Saints
Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia (ROCOR)
Burlingame, California, U.S.A.

Kursk Root Icon of the Mother of God

was in our Burlingame Church

on Saturday, February 1, 2025 at 5:00pm for an Akathist

and stayed for the Vigil Service.


Click the Livestream Tab to see the recording of the Akathist!



Click here to read the history of the Icon, and to see a wonderful 17-minute film of its Pilgrimage to Kursk, Russia in 2017.


An Excellent New Film about

Saint John of Shanghai and San Francisco

by famous Arcady Mamontov Studio (only in Russian).


To watch, click here (1 hour and 8 minutes long)



January/February 2025 Newsletter Posted

Click on Newsletter Tab

In Addition:

      *  Learn about fellow parishioners by checking  "Index to Biographies".


      *  Refresh your memory by checking "Index to Theological Questions".


      *  Find past issues of the Newsletter by checking "Newsletter Archives".


Slideshow is images from current Newsletter issue.


Next issue will be May/June 2025 under the new Editor, Snezhanna Wilson.

Upcoming Events (after Divine Liturgy):  


Sunday, March 2, 2025:  Blini Lunch


Sunday, March 23, 2025:  Pasta Lunch


Sunday, April 6, 2025:  Kids Kulich Event


Sunday, April 13, 2025:  Fish Cutlet Lunch

Upcoming Services (see Schedule of Services Tab for details) 

  • Priest Dimitri Jakimowicz of St. Nicholas Orthodox Church in Stratford, Connecticut, emails weekly church service texts in both Russian and English.  Contact him at to request being added to his distribution list. 
Saturday, February 8:  6:00pm Vigil Service
Sunday, February 9:  9:00am Divine Liturgy
Friday, February 14:  6:00pm Vigil Service
Saturday, February 15:  9:00am Divine Liturgy - Feast Day: The Meeting of Our Lord
Saturday, February 15:  6:00pm Vigil Service
Sunday, February 16:  9:00am Divine Liturgy
Saturday, February 22:  6:00pm Vigil Service
Sunday, February 23  9:00am Divine Liturgy
Message from Archpriest Stefan Pavlenko, Rector!  - August 30, 2024
Dear Friends and Members of our Parish and supporters of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia,
We come to you today with a heartfelt appeal for your support.  The Synod of Bishops building in New York City, our beloved headquarters, is in need of urgent repairs and restoration.  This historic building holds immense cultural and spiritual significance (it is the home of the Holy Kursk Icon) for our community, and we must act now to preserve it for future generations.
We ask that you consider making a donation, however big or small, to help undertake this important work.  Your generosity will not only help protect our heritage but also ensure that this sacred space continues to serve as a beacon of hope and faith for years to come.
Thank you for your support and God Bless you!
Click here to read Appeal by Metropolitan Nicholas of Eastern America and New York.  Donation button is at bottom of that page.
Click here to see 27-minute video "Telling the Truth" about the Synod of ROCOR building in New York  (in English and Russian)

30th Anniversary Year of the Canonization of Saint John of Shanghai and San Francisco!

Please Support and Donate to the St. John Benevolent Fund 

The Fund currently supports the following Causes:

* Humanitarian Aid for Ukraine - Shelters for elderly and disabled

* Bethany School for Girls in Palestine

* Education for Orphans and Destitute Children in Africa 

To donate, click here


To see an hour and 24 minute video of Life of St. John (in Russian only), click here


Did You Know .............?


*  You can listen and watch all of the professionaly filmed Burlingame Church Choir Concerts from 2008 through 2022 by clicking on the Choir Tab, and then clicking on "Video Materials", and then "Choir Concerts".


You can interactively explore all of our Burlingame Church inside and outside by scrolling down and choosing the 360 image in the left column.  Use your mouse to move left and right, up and down, and click on the circles to explore.  Neat?


*  To see Upcoming Events in our Burlingame Parish, please click on the Sisterhood Tab, then click on "Sisterhood Schedule/Upcoming Events".


*  Find answers to many of your theological questions by clicking on Newsletter Tab, and then clicking on "Index to Theological Questions".


*  You can find the Burlingame Church By-Laws by clicking on the About Us Tab, and then click on "Parish By-Laws".


An Urgent Appeal for Aid to the ROCOR Ecclesiastical Mission in Jerusalem.

Срочное обращение о помощи Духовной Миссии РПЦЗ в Иерусалиме.

With Archpriest Stefan's blessing, please consider supporting the monasteries at this time of military conflict.

Пожалуйста, рассмотрите возможность поддержки монастырей в это время военного конфликта.

Click here for details.


Useful ROCOR Websites for Current News:

Holy Virgin Cathedral in San Francisco:

Western American Diocese (WAD):

Synod of Bishops of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia:

Our Kiots and Choir Loft Crosses have been gilded with 24K Gold Leaf!

 Father Stefan's 50th Anniversary of his Ordination - October 1, 2023


His Eminence Metropolitan Nicholas of Eastern America and New York, First Hierarch of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia, celebrated the Hierarchical Divine Liturgy.  Concelebrating with the Metropolitan were His Eminence Archbishop Kyrill of San Francisco and Western America, His Grace Bishop Theodosius of Seattle and His Grace Bishop James of Sonora, Archimandrite Roman (Krassovsky), Chief of the Russian Ecclesiastical Mission in Jerusalem, Archpriests Stefan Pavlenko, Andrei Sommer, Alexei Kotar, Peter Perekrestov, and Hieromonk Peter Karakozoff.


At the end of the service, Metropolitan Nicholas, addressing the parish with a primatial sermon, congratulated Father Stefan on the 50th anniversary of his pastoral ministry, handing him a Synodal decree awarding him the right to serve Divine Liturgy with the Royal Doors open until the exclamation "Holy to the Holies" and a blessed letter, whose content you can read here.


Along with Father Stefan, Matushka Tatiana also celebrated 50 years since becoming a Matushka and both were awarded a Synodal Gramota.


Many Years to Father Stefan and Matushka Tatiana !!!

View Archimandrite Nektariy's talk about the Mexico Monastery by clicking here

(From our Livestream on Sunday, July 2, 2023 at the 2:00:45 time mark.)


Please support the Holy Trinity Russian Orthodox Monastery in Mexico City

Send a donation check to:

The Fund for Assistance to the Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia (ROCOR)

P.O. Box 272

Glen Cove, NY, 11542

Include a note that the donation is for the Holy Trinity Monastery in Mexico City

Message from Archpriest Stefan Pavlenko, Rector

Bring your children to church, learn the services for yourself, listen and pray along with the prayers ---- CARE TO GROW IN YOUR ORTHODOX CHRISTIAN FAITH! English language translations of all services are available---take advantage of the hard work put in by others for your salvation.

Father Dimitri Jakimowicz emails weekly translations of upcoming services. You can download the translation into your smartphone and follow the service in English while standing in Church.  Contact Father Dimitri at and ask to be placed on his mailing list.  Father Dimitri Jakimowicz sends out weekly church service texts in both Russian and English.
For Liturgical Texts in English and Slavonic from Holy Mother of God Russian Orthodox Church in Austin, Texas click here.

We are overcome with grief over the tragic events in Ukraine, for many of us the land of our forefathers, and for some the land where our relatives live today. We pray to the All-Merciful Lord, and His Most-Holy Mother for speedy secession of all hostilities, and for long-lasting peace.

Prayer to the Lord:
O Lord, Lover of mankind, King of the ages and Giver of good things: having destroyed the divisions of enmity and granted peace unto the human race, grant even now peace unto Thy servants, planting within them the fear of Thee and establishing them in love for one another. Quench all strife, and remove all dissensions and temptations; for Thou art our peace and to Thee do we offer up glory, to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, now and ever and unto the ages of ages, Amen.
Владыко Человѣколюбче, Царю вѣковъ и Подателю благихъ, разрушившiй вражды средостѣнiя и мир подавшiй роду человѣческому, даруй и нынѣ миръ рабомъ Твоимъ, вкорени нихъ страхъ Твой и другъ къ другу любовь утверди: угаси всяку распрю, отыми вся разногласiя и соблазны. Яко Ты еси миръ нашъ и Тебе славу возсылаемъ, Отцу и Сыну и Святому Духу, нынѣ и присно и во вѣки вѣковъ. Аминь.
Click here to print the prayers.
Prayer to the Mother of God:
O much sorrowing Mother of God, more highly exalted than all other of the daughters of the earth, according to thy purity and the multitude of thy suffering endured by thee on earth: Hearken to our sighs and soften the hearts of evil men, and protect us under the shelter of thy mercy. For we know no other refuge and ardent intercessor apart from thee, but as thou hast great boldness before the One Who was born of thee, help and save us by thy prayers, that without offense we may attain the Heavenly Kingdom where, with all the saints, we will sing the thrice-holy hymn to One God Almighty in the Trinity, always now and ever and unto the ages of ages. Amen.
О, многострадальная Мати Божiя, Превысшая всѣхъ дщерей земли, по чистотѣ Своей и по множеству страданiй, Тобою на земли перенесенныхъ, прiими многоболезненныя воздыханiя наша и сохрани насъ подъ кровомъ Твоея милости. Инаго бо прибѣжища теплаго предстательста развѣ Тебѣ не вѣмы, но яко дерзновенiе имущая къ Иже изъ Тебѣ рожденному, помози и спаси ны молитвами Своими, да непреткновенно достигнемъ Царствiя Небеснаго, идеже со всѣми святыми будемъ воспѣвати въ Троицѣ единому Богу нынѣ и присно и во вѣки вѣков. Аминь.

Genuine Repentance & Confession heals and makes the immortal soul holy.

This is the correct way to prepare for Holy Communion.


Click here for "A Guide to Confession"

Евангелие дня 2022 с толкованием. Чтимые святые

Нажимайте здесь чтобы прослушать.

(Daily Gospel reading with Commentary - Sorry, only in Russian)






Ordination of

Father Deacon Alexei Baranoff


Annunciation Feast Day

April 7, 2022



Archpriest Stefan Blessing the Main Cupola

December 28, 2021

Sunday Gospels


Click  here for weekly email discussing upcoming Sunday Gospel reading.

To subscribe to it directly, email

Services and Saints


Click here for weekly email with introduction to upcoming weekend church services and with Lives of Saints.

To subscribe to it directly, email

Click the Donate button to make a general donation to our church, to pay your Parish Membership Dues, or to donate to the Stewardship Fund.  Payment can be made through PayPal or by credit cards.

About Us

Church of All Russian Saints, Burlingame, California, U.S.A.
Православная Церковь Всех Святых в Земле Российской Просиявших в Burlingame, California
744 El Camino Real, Burlingame, CA 94010. Tel: (650) 430-9805

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